Thursday, March 22, 2007

Wasting Time

Its been a slow and I mean slow couple days at work so I've consumed my time with pointless excersizes on the internet. And since today is another one of these days, I thought I'd satisfy those of you who've told me to update my blog (after you read this you will see why I havent).

For those familiar with wasting time on the clock, you know exactly what I mean. First you read the papers, catch up on world events so that if something really "newsworthy" actually happened, then you'd be up and up on the conservations (of course you know about the stock market slowdown...). As is the case usually, I don't really find anything that blows my mind other than the general back and forth, upa and downs of life in todays day and age. Seeing as how I haven't watched TV in lets see, about 6 months, internet newspapers are the next best thing and I have to say way more enjoyable as I can select what I wanna read. Theres a couple that I frequent; the "international view"), (for the canadian stuff), I only look at the weather forecast which usually brightens my day), and (business and interesting perspectives). Recently a friend of mine emailed me a list of websites for celebrity gossip and all else Holywood but I just haven't gotten into them yet. Although I think I might have been the last person on earth to find out about the Britney head shaving incident. Clearly importnant journalism.

Then there is Facebook, email and catching up on other blogs. I'm not even going to start with Facebook other than saying that I, like many others are ashamed at how adictive it has become. Seriously; people I thought I'd never talk to, and probably for a reason, I can now snoop on and see what they are up to. Why this gets me going? I have no idea and so I will blame it on being abroad and lacking close personal relationships with those I miss (excellent excuse I think).

Finally and probably the most exciting thing to do, which is why it should be at the top of this post but its not, is planning my trips for the next oh lets say 6 months. Couple things on the go include a very likely escape to Istanbul in the middle of April because it is ubber cheap and well I haven't traveled outside of the Czech and Slovak republics since Christmas. Then in May, a possible trip to Barcelona to visit my old roomate. The summer of course needs to include lots of travelling as far as I'm concerned. It will start in the beginning of July in Paris, thanks to an unexpected 2 day Czech holiday! The last two weeks in July will be spent with the fam dam whom I'm starting to miss terribly. I'll meet them in Bosnia and then we are off to the Croatian coast line for a week and then my sister and I will head to Italy for a bit. Final plan, if holiday time and money willing, is a trip to Greece in September.

I'm getting just giddy thinking about it, so I've spent a lot of time searching out flights, hotels, etc. and researching tourist info. I'm getting frusterated though with not being able to find flight times that would suit my schedule to the cities I wanna visit. Jeez, why didn't they consult with me first before coming up with these timetables.

Anywho thats that. I leave you with parting words from my friend Cedric that said "some people don't get bored."

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

PDA's, and I'm not talking about your handheld

Ever since I moved to Prague I am becoming more and more aware at the ridiculous amount of "Public Displays of Affection" everywhere I go. Don't even think that I am over exaggerating because I am not the first to notice it. Let me even go as far as to state that I'm all for holding hands in public, or a little peck here and there; but when it becomes borderline indecent exposure, then I'm a little annoyed. The escalators to the metro are the breading ground for much of this activity. Guy stands on one step (generally the lower one as he is taller), girl stands on another stair, and bam, you have a minute or so of prime time for making out. I'm talking tongue action, to the max. Actually come to think of it, the transportation system in general seems to bring out the majority of opportunities for this behavior. Oh and the other night I was walking home from having some drinks and this couple was having a very passionate goodnight kiss outside their building....seriously, take it upstairs.

I'm still trying to figure out why I am growing more and more annoyed by it as the days go by. Plain and simply, I just don't have any desire to see it, nor hear (that's right hear) the sound of strangers getting it on. Sometimes when there is older people standing around or within the vicinity, I'm borderline embarrassed for the kissing bandits.

As far as I can tell though, this doesn't seem to be a taboo here. Whereas in some cultures it is all but outlawed, and in others publicly unacceptable, the alternative is true in Prague. To put a positive spin on the situation though, lets say that maybe they're just more in love than the rest of us. What do I know.... other than that I'm trying very hard to turn a blind eye to it.